Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Latest! Some pretty BIG stuff!

On Friday, June 24th, Kathy had surgery at the Huntsman Center. This is what she wrote today about the surgery,

"Well, life in a hospital is pretty boring.  The surgery went pretty well. It took seven hours!  I have an incision from my belly button to my pubic bone, which they put back together with staples, so it's pretty creepy looking.  When they got inside me they realized that everything was hooked together in one big mass, about the size of a baseball. it was hard to get it all out in one piece because it was so big, but they accomplished it. The tumor had attached to my uterus, my right ovary, and also to the pelvic bone. Oh yeah, my appendix was caught in it too.  They don't think any of those parts were cancerous, but they sent it off to be tested.  The uterus bled a lot, so I had to have four units of blood.

"So now I'm recovering. I had about a million tubes and cords coming out of me, or going in to me. Now I only have nine. No joke.  Plus the call switch that I have to keep track of.  And leg massagers on my calves so I don't get blood clots.  I go for short walks, which means I shuffle around in the hall and back, pushing the IV cart.  Actually, I'm feeling pretty good, considering.  I don't have much pain anymore. (Of course, I still have an epidural, which is a pain killer) I can tell that I'm getting stronger every day.  They don't know for sure yet, but it looks like I'm on track to be discharged on Friday."

The plan from here on out is that after some recovery time she will start another round of chemo.

She also posted a note on Facebook which I thought you might enjoy.

"Thanks to everyone for all your love, support, fasting, and prayers. I must be recovering because the little things are starting to annoy me! I'm so grateful."

Indeed, we are all grateful for the many prayers and the fasting on her behalf, and in behalf of us, her family! We are being taken care of in this difficult time. Thank you!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Katie's plan...

As much as I want to be there to help and watch over my mom, my husband needs me home some times. So for now, while my mom is still strong I am home with Eric and the kids in Washington. It's hard to be here when I feel needed there,and hard to be there when my husband is here. So I go where I am most needed. I plan to go back to Ashton in a few weeks, for the end of the treatments. That's when most people get really sick and tired and need help. For now, I need you Ashton-ites to be eyes, ears, and hands. Please tell me if you see a need that is not being met so I can make arrangements. Please let me know if there is something you would like to do to help, but are unsure. Please contact me with questions or concerns. Also, if you see that things are worse than I realize, please let me know so I can come sooner. One more thought. Your kind words and letters of encouragement will be the best support. The only thing better is your prayers.
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Chemo/Radiation Take Two

It's been a while since I gave you all an update, but there hasn't been much to tell. Surgery went well. After about ten days of recovery Kathy started chemotherapy and radiation treatments yesterday, March 7. She is doing chemotherapy at home and radiation daily in Idaho Falls. She is so tough! Her attitude and spirits are great. Please keep her in your prayers though, as this is a very physically challenging time for her.
The plan, for now anyways, is to do this chemotherapy and radiation for 5-6 weeks and then have a recovery time before another surgery, followed by more chemotherapy.
It us critical during chemotherapy that she be kept healthy, and her resistance will be dramatically weakened. If you are sick or you kids are suck, please be very aware and do what you can to keep the whole Anderson family healthy. Thank-you
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Friday, February 18, 2011

The Sick Kids

In our way here we woke up sick in Boise, with coughs, fevers, and stuffy noses. My mom said come anyway, and so we drugged up and came. Eric woke up with a fever on Wednesday, so joined the sick house. Then James came home from ski club with a fever, so he joined us, too. Thursday the rest of us were done with our fevers. Kate still coughs, I have a head ache, Eli is becoming known to me as another boy, and Eric seems great. However James is getting worse. Do this morning he woke up with a fever of 104.8, so we hurried and went to the clinic in town where he tested positive for influenza a. Yucky. He is miserable. He is quarantined to his room and on the best drugs we can get for him. He will be sick for at least a week, probably two or three. Please add him to the long prayer list. My mom can't come home until everyone is healthy.
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The Procedure

The procedure went very well. In fact, they said up to three hours, and finished in just over one. They looked around at her liver and abdominal cavity and they all look great, which means the cancer hasn't spread anywhere. They did what they needed to do. My mom was up this morning feeling good. Happy day! Now we need prayers that the rest of us will get better so she can come home!
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Gratitude

Hang in there with me as I make one more post that I feel is very important.
I have been sitting all the way over there in Washington wishing I was here helping and taking care of everything. I have been so worried about my mom getting where she needs to be and the kids getting to all their stuff and dinner and a clean house and all that stuff that gets so hard when you are sick. Now that I am here I feel like all my worry was in vain. People have dropped everything to drive my mom to the many appointments she has. Friends and parents of friends have driven way out through the snow to pick up and drop off kids from all the many activities these crazy kids do. The kitchen is over flowing with leftovers from the wonderful dinners that people keep bringing, and the fabulous deserts. People have been so good to my family. I don't know how to show my gratitude to all of you kind people. Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! We have been in need, and you have helped us. Bless you, and thank you again.

The Medical Update

This part is so hard to do. Last week I had people asking me what the news was, and I just couldn't figure out what to post. My apologies. I didn't want to cause any stress or worry, I just don't know how or what to write, because as soon as I post anything, everything will change. But here goes a shot at an update.
On Tuesday, the 8th (man that feels like a long time ago...) Kathy met with Dr. Dickson, at Madison Memorial Hospital. They discussed Chemotherapy and scheduled to start everything on Tuesday, the 15th. On Wednesday, the 9th, she met with the Radiologist in Idaho Falls and they scheduled to start on Tuesday, the 15th, as well. On Thursday they lined everything up for the radiology. On Friday they got all the stuff out of the way for the chemo. They should have been all set to start on the 15th. But everything changes everyday. I'll explain.
There are a few complications. Kathy has an abscess near the tumor and the tumor is growing, which have the doctors worried. She has a fever, although she is on antibiotics. What all this means is that they have put off the chemo and radiation until after they do a procedure to relieve and divert some of the pressure on the abscess and tumor. As of right now, Kathy will go meet with a doctor at the Huntsman Institute on Wednesday, the 16th, to talk about doing the procedure on the 17th. Hopefully then they will be able to start the chemo and radiation next week, and after maybe 6 weeks of that they will be able to remove the tumor (hopefully). Then after another bout of chemo she should be much better. Its a long haul and I am sure that we will learn something new tomorrow at our 9 am appointment.
 We are in good spirits here, and have strong faith that Heavenly Father is watching over us, and helping us grow.  We really appreciate all the prayers and help and kindness. We pray everyday and always that she will be healed. Let that be your prayer too.

Happy Valentine's Day!

OK, so I know I've just missed the actual day, but better late than never, right?
Today has had some ups and downs, like everyday.
The down: Steve had to go to Wyoming early this morning. Sad, lonely Valentine's Day.
The up: My kids and I got to Ashton! We are here to help out with every thing for a while!
The down: My kids and I have colds... Pray we don't get anyone sick! (We are doing what we can to get better. We went to a Doctor in Boise.)
The up: People are so loving and supportive! We were brought a fantastic dinner and plates of cookies and deserts! And there are flowers all over this house! And we had such a steady stream of people here this afternoon! And plus also, some very great helpers carried the large pile of wood we were given (generously) into our basement where the wood pile is stacked next to the stove.
The down: All the important stuff changed again! (see the next post for more information...)
What a roller coaster day. But the Anderson home is full of love on this Valentine's Day, and gratitude for all the people who have so generously helped out today and over the last few weeks.

Everything Changes... Everyday...

I want to start by apologizing for being so slow to post. It is hard to know what to tell you, because I want to tell you what we know. The problem is that every time we think we know something, it changes. I will do my best to bring you up to speed. Also, it is hard to remember who we tell what to, and to be honest, some of the information is kinda private and sensitive. Some of you will get more details than I post on here. Please don't be offended if you hear something that you didn't read. This blog is available to the world, so I wont put all the details on here. If you have questions, please feel free to call my mom. She would love to hear from you. Keep in mind though, that she does a lot of phone talking these days, so keep it short. A couple of times when I mentioned a kind comment on here or facebook, or a phone call I got she said, Oh that's great! People can call me, too. So please feel free to call or send an email or a letter.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Big Move...

Most of Ashton has now heard about my family moving to Wyoming, and I am sure that many of you are wondering what is happening now. And now those of you who didn't know they were moving are really curious. So I will tell you what I know, which is, frankly, very little.
Steve got a new project through Nelson Engineering. The project is located in Green River, Wyoming, a whopping five hours from Ashton. He will be working 50-60 hours a week, which makes it pretty hard to come home on the weekends, like has been doing from his project in Granger, Wyoming. The project is only scheduled to go through September, so the family was going to move to Green River to be with him until school started next year.
However, because of the crazy recent events, and the fact that my mom will probably be going to Rexburg at least once a week, they have POSTPONED the move. After we have a plan of action to treat the cancer they will be re-evaluating the situation and deciding about the move then.
My dad will be returning to work on Monday, February 7th in Green River, and my mom and the kids will be staying in Ashton for a while longer without seeing much of him.

What the Doctor Found

What a blessing it was that Kathy went to the Huntsman Institute. She visited with Dr. Sklow (I have no idea how to spell his name...) and he did an exam. He found the mass to be located more in the Rectum than was previously thought, and that changes everything. So the surgery has been moved to a later date and we will know more after the appointment in Rexburg on Tuesday, Feb. 8th.
It is so good that she went to the Huntsman Institute because had she had the surgery in Idaho Falls and they foudn that the cancer was in the rectum they would not have known what to do about it. (They told her that when they were first dicussing options.) I feel so blessed to have and know my loving Heavenly Father who is watching out for my mom and all of us.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


First things first, remove the mass. They will meet with the Doctor at the Huntsman Cancer Center in Utah on Thursday to schedule the surgery. Then a week in the hospital, followed by 6 months of chemotherapy.


On January 28, 2011 Kathy went to Idaho Falls for a colonoscopy to see why she was in pain. They found a 8 cm mass and she was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer.

The Family

Steve just started working on a project in Green River, Wyoming for Nelson Engineering. He is gone a lot, but when he is home he works with the Young Men, does Karate, and takes good care of his family.

Leah, 22, is serving an LDS mission in the Washington D.C. North mission, where she works at the Temple Visitor's Center. She is a spanish speaking sister, and loves it.

Joseph, 20, is in Chile, also serving an LDS mission. His mission is the Rancagua Mission. He likes speaking spanish and helping people find the gospel.

Gary, 17, is a junior at North Fremont High, where he is involved in Speech and Debate, student council, and the school play.

Sally, 14, is a freshman at North Fremont. She is on the JV basketball team, involved with the school play, and just got her driver's permit. She just got her braces off!!!

James, 12, is in 7th grade. He is playing basketball and has his green belt in Karate. He is working hard to camp every month for scouts, even if it means sleeping outside in below zero weather. He also plays Piano and Saxophone in the Junior High Band.

Mari, 9, is in 2nd grade. She recently started going to Karate with James. She climbs the pole every night to get to her bedroom in the loft. She plays piano very well.

Eric, 5, is bored in kindergarten. He reads, plays the piano, and loves to watch America's Funniest Home Videos with Grandma.

Katie and Family are in Renton, Washington, where Eric works at Verizon Wireless as a developer. Eric is playing church basketball, and teaches Elder's Quorum. Katie works in the nursery at church, and takes care of the kids. Kate, 3, is full of imagination and loves her friends very much. Eli, 1, is the craziest kid who loves balls, cars, and making messes.